St Helena Weather

Sunday 30 November 2014

All Change

That’s one of the things about Island life – It changes in the blink of an eye. Dynamics change, friendships change, things you were comfortable with change. Good job I am a Change Manager then!
On a more serious note though, you do need to be adaptable and willing to compromise and able to accept rapid changes in your environment.
Even though I am a seasoned accepter of change, my environment changed rapidly this week when my Island buddy, Hazel and her husband David left suddenly (just 36 hours’ notice).David is undertaking some work in London for a few weeks/months – return date unknown. You tend very much to gravitate towards people in similar circumstances and we were very alike – older children, one here on Island and an older one back in the UK – same taste in music, lifestyle etc. Hazel and I would often shop on Saturdays whilst the other family members went scuba diving and we would have dinner together often, sharing a couple of bottles of wine. We never ran out of conversation and life was comfortable. So it was with a heavy heart that we said Bon Voyage on Wednesday and our lives changed again.

Our now ex-neighbour Andy is also leaving shortly after Christmas at the end of his contract. There are others planning to depart over the next few months and quite a few people that we have become friends with will leave. But in their place, new people will arrive and new friendships will be made. The environment will change again and we will get comfortable once more.
So whilst I am still a little sad at Hazel’s departure – not least because we were going to hers for Boxing Day and now I’ll have to cook! LOL – I know that it just creates more opportunity in life and I am looking forward to embracing more changes and making new friends. I am already in touch with a few people who will be arriving in January and February, so who knows what changes their presence will bring!

1 comment:

  1. To those people who contact me via this Blog about life on the Island - I never publish your comments if they contain personal contact information, but be assured that I get them and read them :-)
