St Helena Weather

Thursday 3 October 2013

Smudge and Pippy on Ascension

Last Thursday, we received confirmation that the girls had arrived safely on Ascension! Kitty sent us some pictures of the dogs alive and well running around her office! Later on Caz (who is looking after them on Ascension) collected them and took them for a walk along Long Beach to meet her 4 collies on neutral ground. Luckily they all got on, although I heard the next day from Caz that Smudge had been a little confused by the presence of two lambs, who also go for a walk with Caz and the dogs! Caz has described Pippy as a freight train and Usain Bolt when she’s out walking and we know exactly what she means, but that also shows that she is happy and settling in.

We are, of course, incredibly grateful to everyone who has been involved in making it possible for our dogs to join us:

Simon and Dawn – Looked after the girls in the UK, did all the running around with the vet and took them to Southampton

Jeff and Derek at DHL and AWS respectively for their help and advice on shipping

The crew of the Anvil Point who looked after the dogs on board the ship to Ascension

Kitty and Caz plus anyone else involved on Ascension

The crew of the RMS, who will assist them in the final leg of their journey

Joe, the vet on St Helena, who made it sound possible in the first place

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